Monday, December 16, 2013

IED Project 4: Activity 1.8 Challenge; Paper Bridge


Solving a problem is an amazingly creative process. Creativity can be messy. However, creativity can be channeled into a meaningful solution by using a structured design process. In this activity your team will design a solution to a problem using an engineering design process. You will document the process in your engineering notebook.


·         Engineering notebook

·         Pencil

·         ¾ in. wooden blocks (2)

·         1 sheet of 8 ½ x 11 in. cardstock

·         Assorted construction tools such as scissors

Friday, December 13, 2013

IED Project 3: Puzzle Cube Design Challenge



IED Project 2: Design Challenge, Paper Tower

Goal of Challenge:

Create the tallest tower that canhold a tennis ball and canwithstand the most wind.

Rules for Tower Challenge:
  • Bottom of tennis ball must be at
  • least18” above ground/table
  • Must withstand wind from fan for atleast 10 seconds
  • Ball can’t fall
  • Tower can’t tip over
  • Use only materials given for challenge
  • Tower must be free standing
  • Cannot tape to table
Materials for Challenge 
  • 1 School Newspaper
  • 3 Pieces of Computer Paper
  • 2 Pieces of Cardstock
  • 2 Feet Masking Tape
  • 5 Rubber Bands
  • 1 Tennis Ball (can’t be modified)
  • Scissors (can’t be used in design)
  • Ruler/Scale (can’t be used in design)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

IED Project 1: Activity 1.4 Beverage Container Product Improvement


Hummers®, iPods®, cell phones, clothes, and video games are just a few products that are familiar to most people. What is it about any of these products that you like? What causes you to want to buy a cell phone or an IPod? Is it the commercials or the appearance of the product? Whatever the reason, design plays a vital role in the creation and marketing of any product.


·         Paper

·         Plain white coffee cup (1 per class) OR alternate consumer product

·         Pencil


This activity is designed to provide an introduction to design. As a team of two, you will brainstorm ways to enhance or change a plain white beverage container so that nearly every consumer would want to purchase it. Remember to apply the rules for brainstorming that were identified in the PowerPoint during this activity. The following list is available to guide your team through this activity:

·         Assign a recorder and a speaker for your group.

·         Brainstorm for five minutes with your team to identify enhancements or changes that you would make to the item. The recorder will make a list of all ideas mentioned in those five minutes. Changes or enhancements could be anything; you are not limited by cost.

·         After five minutes, select ideas to enhance or change the item from the brainstorming list.

·         For the next ten minutes, each member of the team should develop and sketch a potential change or enhancement to your product.

·         Your team will take five additional minutes to develop a justification for each potential change to the item.

·         Your team speaker will present your changes to the class.